I had such a great time working with Mrs. M! After her reveal I couldn’t wait to ask her about her boudoir experience. Check out what she had to say below in our Q&A.
Q: Why did you choose to book a boudoir session?
A: I chose to book a boudoir session to celebrate my weight loss and give a gift to my husband.
Q: Did your session boost your self confidence?
A: My body confidence was a 3/10 prior to the shoot. After the shoot, 8/10! My journey to self love is ongoing. Before the shoot, I kept looking at galleries thinking, “My body doesn’t look like that and my photos are never going to look that good.” I was floored when I got my photos and saw that my body DID look “like that” (awesome!) with no-to-minimal touching up. The shoot was definitely a confidence boost but I would be lying if I said I don’t still struggle with body confidence/positivity. It’s a process. This experience was a start in the right direction.
Q: What was your favorite part of the boudoir experience?
A: I was a little nervous going into the shoot but Natalie was super encouraging, fun, and made any jitters go away instantly. I was shocked and relieved when I saw my photos for the first time… really just amazed at how good Natalie made me look by capturing poses and light perfectly. My favorite part of the boudoir experience was the reveal – I had no idea how the photos were going to turn out, so it was so fun and awesome to see the finished product. In fact, I brought my husband to the reveal so he could pick which photos he wanted. He ended up wanting all of them and asked Natalie not to do any retouching because he didn’t feel it was needed. He was very impressed and happy with the results, also.
Q: What would you say to other women?
A: If other women are considering a boudoir shoot but are on the fence, I say go for it. Hands down, your experience will be amazing with Natalie and you will love your results.
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