Luxury portraits for the modern woman

Hey, Gorgeous Woman!
Experience a powerful boudoir session to connect with your femininity
A meaningful EXPERINCE
Boudoir is a transformational experience. When you invest in a boudoir session with Boudoir by Natalie, you are not only taking part in a photo session, but something entirely more meaningful than just sexy photos. Boudoir has the power to change the way you see yourself. It has the power to boost your confidence and leave you feeling like the goddess you are! DIVE in and let us help you rediscover your femininity, confidence and love for your body!

For a long time, I felt defined by what I was instead of who I was.
My identity was stitched into the lining of the many hats I wore: wife, daughter, friend, business owner, photographer, and special needs mama.
Rotating between all these hats — especially the important ones (wife and mama!) isn’t always an easy road, but I’ve learned to see the world through new eyes with these many hats I wear and they’ve taught me that I’m so much more than just titles and roles.
And aren’t we all?
Most days, you’re simply the sum of your titles and the things that appear to define us: parenthood, marital status, weight, height, body type, career, etc…
But none of that actually scratches the surface to the vibrant souls we are underneath it all. Because we so much more than titles, circumstances, or limitations that define us.
Outside of what I am, WHO am is a vibrant kaleidoscope of quirks. I’m a girls girl and a tomboy all rolled into one awkward little duck (the goofiness really comes through in sessions)
Again, it might be what we are, but who we are is foundationally more profound and wise and wonderful than any one word we could prescribe to ourselves.
And this, friend, is why I’m so adamant that boudoir is for everyone.
There is not one body shape or size or color that boudoir is “good for.”
Do you have a body?
You do?? (You do, because you’re reading this) – then great, you’re capable of experiencing the power of boudoir.
Because here’s the thing – boudoir helps us to break past all those thoughts and titles that weigh us down.
“I’ve never seen myself like this” is something that nearly 97% of women say to me when they see their photos for the first time.
It’s like taking the blinders off and allowing them to see past the titles, expectations, and identities they tirelessly hold up.
If you’re ready to see yourself like this then I would be honored to be the one to show you that through a boudoir session.
Take the first step by scheduling your consult using the button below

This is Your Sign to Invest in YOU
Find your power in our luxurious boudoir sessions

Want to skip the phone call and go straight to booking? Click the button below to view my calendar with available dates.